
12 On evidence and God

The little sayings of important people have a strange greatness of their own, because they sum up briefly what we know has cost them years of action, thought, or experience generally. At the end of his life, somebody asked Darwin insistently what he thought of Christianity, until he gave a reply. He apparently said: “There is no evidence for it.”

But there is evidence for it; it is simply that it is not something about which one can get a general public consensus such as his work relied on, because, by definition, this evidence is entirely secret. We can guess that other people have minds and private lives, but it is impossible to prove. Whether God speaks to them or not is again impossible to prove with evidence. More deeply, our own mind is the only one we shall ever know, and it is the same one we are always familiar with. It is single, unchanging, unique, and the only one we have evidence for. It clearly derives from a higher source, and, to my experience, can see deeply into that source: namely, God.

But this cannot be shown in any kind of evidence at a trial, or an experiment. With the rise of the public world, the free and democratic one, unavoidably comes atheism for the all and sundry, the common people. They follow fashion and the public views expressed by famous people. And public views are always views which can be backed up with publically available evidence. Christianity does not have evidence of this kind.

If anything, Christianity and Christ did everything to privilege the small, the obscure, and remote, and that which eventually fails and dies. It privileges the other world, not this one.

The rabble will say that ‘Darwin proved that human beings evolved and that the mind evolved’; to which the reply is, ‘Yes, it evolved to be godlike, just as God wants it to be.’ But it is no use talking like this with the public.

One of the features of the public and fashionable ideas is that they are always 'evidence' based, which is to say, purely empirical; something cheap and nasty which everyone can see.

Design Jason Powell, 2020.